Caracal For Sale Uk. Help us by answering a short survey. It is more related to the serval and the african golden cat.
Two very large f6 boys white snow savannah kittens. The kittens are completely domesticated, litter box trained and put from a bottle to meat, fish, poultry. Therefore you require a licence to own and possess a caracal in the uk.
Caracal for sale texas, caracal kittens, caracal kittens for sale, caracal kittens for sale california, caracal kittens for sale colorado, caracal kittens for sale in pa, caracal kittens for sale uk.
Help us by answering a short survey. Exotic animals for sale exotic animals wanted animal equipment for sale exotic animal auctions. Kittens of serval, caracal and hybrids from f1 to f4 are of legal origin and registered in cites. Savuti with his solid blue eyes was bottle raised but has been out in his enclosure, awaiting a female.