Exotic Sharks For Sale Near Me. We quarantine every fish that you see for sale for a minimum of 10 days to ensure you're getting the healthiest and best quality fish around! $1,000.00 we specialize in rare and exotic salt water fish, as well as great beginner saltwater fish.
Get the iridescent shark at a very reasonable and affordable cost. Iridescent shark 3.5 in length. We breed, raise and care for these animals.
Click here for more about how we ship live pet fish.
This page contains a list of the most popular groups of saltwater fish for sale as inhabitants in saltwater, marine, and reef aquariums. We are adamant about maintaining healthy, captive environments to encourage healthy breeding and health. | selling quality live freshwater fish shipped to your door. You will find us easy to work with and reputable given our care in transport and service after the sale.