Is It Legal To Own A Bat As A Pet. Many states require permits that are extremely hard to obtain or are not distributed to regular people for pet purposes, which in effect makes the animal not legal. The act of keeping one of these winged creatures as a pet will cause it to experience fear, inappropriate and damaging nutrition, loneliness.
Many states require permits that are extremely hard to obtain or are not distributed to regular people for pet purposes, which in effect makes the animal not legal. This is another feature that makes them a unique pet to own. I have never known anyone to keep a bat as a pet.
Primates are illegal in most states.
Any of these can be adopted as a pet, thus enabling you to have one despite certain legal restrictions. Even though there are more than 40 breeds of bats in america, many have legal protection due to. Their teeth are sharp and in an act of defense a bat would have no issue in biting. It is illegal to keep a native bat as a pet in america.