Tiger Cubs For Sale In India. The rapid action battalion yesterday rescued three bengal tiger cubs from a wildlife smuggler’s house at shyamoli in the capital and arrested two persons in this connection. As far as trade in schedule 1 animals or their parts ar.
We usually advise our customers to set up a very nice and adoptive homestead for their animals to live in comfortably. The female tiger gives birth to her litter of cubs. As far as trade in schedule 1 animals or their parts ar.
We have a deep respect and love for all our animals, and we want to share that and our experiences with other people.
We are licensed breeders of big cats, and we currently have cubs of cheetah, tiger, white lion, leopard and liger i.e cross breed between lion and tiger all ready for sale at very affordable prices. We are a breeder of a wide variety of exotic animals such as cheetah cubs, cougar. We have a deep respect and love for all our animals, and we want to share that and our experiences with other people. We are a breeder of tiger cubs and a wide variety of exotic animals such as cheetah cubs, cougar cubs, jaguar cubs, leopard cubs, black panther cubs, lion cubs, yellow and white siberian tigers and bengal tiger cubs, leopard and liger (i.e cross breed between lion and tiger) all ready for sale at very affordable prices.