Zamboni For Sale Craigslist. Home | contact vimar | 7445 lowland drive, burnaby, bc v5j 5a8 | t: For all the ice hockey fans out there, it’s located in langdon, new hampshire and is listed for sale here on craigslist for $1,500.
Used only seasonally until 2002 then used as a backup. Truly canadian classified ad draws attention of hockey lovers ctv atlantic published monday, november 2, 2015 6:47pm ast last updated tuesday, november 3, 2015 10:50am ast Search for used zamboni for sale on machinio.
The model hdb zamboni was produced from 1969 to 1978 according to this nice chart provided by zamboni, who of course are still in business and are still the.
Craigslist however is a fairly open market that allows many unscrupulous people to post fake listings. 04/25/16 3:52 pm et asset id: Cat v12 twin turbo 620kw genset. As is and all items must be picked up.